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API (Application Programming Interface) Latest 2023

What is API?

API- An application programming interface is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software. A document or standard that describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called an API specification.

What is the API used for?

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

How do API work?

APIs work by sharing data between applications, systems, and devices. In order to better understand this process, it can be useful to think of APIs like restaurants. In this metaphor, the customer is like the user, who tells the waiter what she wants.

What are types of API?

Here are some of the most common types of web APIs:

Open APIs. Public APIs (or Open APIs) function through a set of tools, routines, and protocols for developing software applications. …

1-Partner APIs
2-Internal APIs
3-Composite APIs
6-GraphQL APIs
7-Webhook APIs

Through the utilization of an application programming interface (API), developers have the ability to have software systems or platforms interact with one another. This can foster new features and capabilities.

But in order to foster these connections, there are a suite of protocol options to select from — each with its own pros and cons and specialties. In this article, we’ll take a deep look into the most common API types and protocols.

What are the different web API types?

There are several different types of APIs that serve different purposes and are designed for different use cases. Here are some of the most common types of web APIs:

Open APIs

Public APIs (or Open APIs) function through a set of tools, routines, and protocols for developing software applications. They allow for access to application data while shielding developers from having access to shared source codes. This means companies can have the benefit of making their services available while preserving proprietary ownership over developer output.

Developers will find it useful in creating novel applications based on such organizational aspects as features or service data with what essentially amounts to RESTful APIs offering authentication and authorization by securing effective integrations between new programs builders exploit.

The usage of public APIs has experienced a surge in demand, fueling the creation of an innumerable amount of groundbreaking applications and services.

Partner APIs

Partner APIs are specialized interfaces that enable organizations to access data and service offerings across businesses (B2B). This streamlined approach empowers businesses to create unique features within their own applications or services by utilizing a partner’s resources.

With the ability to leverage existing technologies, companies can effectively reduce costs and allocate time more efficiently. By integrating valuable data and services, such as customer feedback or additional products, companies can enhance customer experience and drive revenue growth using partner APIs that align with distinct business models.

Internal APIs

As the name implies, an internal API is a type of API intended for use internally by the organization’s own developers. These APIs facilitate the transmission of data between different components of a system, enabling process automation.

As an exclusive operation and service for large organizations, it’s common for internal APIs to be proprietary systems. They enable various applications and systems within an organization to converse with each other, developing a layer of abstraction that renders them as independent units regarding modifications or maintenance. Incorporating innovative technologies and services into existing systems is a simplified process with the help of internal APIs.

Composite APIs

A composite API amalgamates multiple APIs into one interface and provides developers with a unified view of the data from different sources. This integration simplifies data access and utilization by easing interactions with complex applications, commonly seen in connecting various cloud services.

Composite APIs offer developers efficient coding practices, as they don’t have to write separate code for every individual API. The composite API can streamline the development process and provide cost-effective solutions by offering a unified interface for accessing multiple APIs.


What are the different types of API protocols?

When it comes to programming interface integration between two parties using an API, strict guidelines — known as API protocols — are enforced to regulate interactions.

These rules is enhance efficiency when exchanging data within various applications through standardized communication modes. Some requirements outlined by the API protocols include specifying formatting for request/response exchanges or permissible kinds of data that can be shared, authentication procedures, or security measures for safe information transfer. Following these standards guarantees consistent interactions while ensuring reliable performance.


In today’s landscape, a majority of APIs are powered by REST. Web applications commonly employ REST APIs. These are versatile interfaces for sending and retrieving data through HTTP requests in JSON, XML, and plaintext — among other formats.

REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs represent an example of these interfaces since they use the principles underpinning the REST architectural design when communicating between clients and servers. This design includes predefined sets of different operations parameters available via standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT or DELETE while allowing scalability.

Through APIs, accessing structured data in JSON or XML format is facilitated while also guaranteeing security and accessibility to resources. Adhering to REST principles helps developers create dependable, user-friendly API systems that are capable of being used across devices and platforms.


Web services can also be built using SOAP APIs, which rely on XML messages to enable communication between two applications over a network.

SOAP has strict rules and rigid messaging standards that can make it more secure than protocols such as REST. These types of APIs are frequently used in enterprise applications, particularly for payment processing and customer management as they are highly secure in nature.

Creating web services that can be accessed by various clients without being restricted to a particular platform is doable thanks to SOAP APIs. Its secure nature is another important benefit that has made SOAP widely used for transferring highly sensitive information.

GraphQL APIs

If you’re looking for a fast API solution, consider GraphQL. This cutting-edge approach eliminates the need for excessive queries from clients by leveraging its specialized query definition capabilities — hence providing much-needed flexibility during data aggregation.

Unlike traditional REST APIs, developers can take advantage of an interface capable of on-demand “data querying” with ease. In essence, with GraphQL APIs, users request everything that they want from the backend service all in one API endpoint. This helps them avoid superfluous API calls. By enabling the retrieval of precise data, GraphQL APIs have the potential to minimize data requests and consequentially make applications more efficient. In addition, it enables developers to swiftly incorporate new fields or types in their applications, creating a rapid and streamlined development process.

Webhook APIs

The functionality of webhook APIs primarily revolves around facilitating real-time transmission of data and seamless integration between various web applications. An example of their usage would be sending push notifications to alert users about incoming emails. As soon as specific pre-configured events take place, these APIs automatically trigger messages — or “hooks” — that initiate communication between different software programs.

Webhook APIs enable applications to remain synchronized and respond to events instantly. These APIs are extensively used for event-based programming where the software can exchange real-time data. They can have varied purposes such as signaling a user after clicking on a link or updating an online store with new items without any manual intervention.


By using APIs, applications can execute remote functions seamlessly over long distances even when hosted on different machines. In distributed systems and microservices architectures where this kind of flexibility is crucially important, there is growing reliance on Remote Procedure Call (RPC) APIs whose implementation typically follows protocols like JSON-RPC or XML-RPC.

At its core lies the effective RPC protocol, designed to enable efficient data transfers among multiple interconnected computer nodes via networks characterized by various topologies. This interaction occurs via the standard but elegant client-server paradigm whereby servers respond to incoming requests issued by clients. Messages containing requests for a server to carry out a specific task and return a response, known as remote procedure calls, facilitate the communication process between the client and server. RPC APIs are often utilized to manage resources like databases on remote machines or to access web services.

There are other types of APIs as well, but these are some of the most common and widely used. The choice of API type will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the data being accessed.

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